Campbell's Soup

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Goodbye Yellow Fluffy Towel!

It's official. After August 31st I will never have to fold another towel again. The shackles of Retail Management will temporarily be released, and for a short time I will once again be out from under the rock which I have called 'Home' for the past 7 months.

Yes, it's true. I have resigned my post as Manager of Sheridan Hornsby. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of seeing me at work, this means no more endless folding of towels, sheets and quiltcovers; no more spending 4 hours of the day making beds whilst adhering to several dozen strict Visual Merchandising laws; no more trying to find a middle ground between the budgets of the company I work for and the store I work in. And no more using all of my coffee breaks to move my car (in a crowded Westfield carpark I might add) twice a day just to avoid paying $30 for a day's parking.

It hasn't all been bad. I have to say I will miss certain things. I'll miss the monotony of always being on sale because Myer is always on sale. I'll miss being able to predict the next tune coming through the PA system because in 5 months we've only had one CD. I'll miss dozing off in the stockroom after a 64-hour week. I'll miss my biceps...coz there ain't no way I'll be lifting 15kg boxes on a regular basis after this!

Most of all I'll miss the friends I've made. It's amazing what a difference a small group of people can make to your daily life. "The Manchester Family" has become quite a close-knit little group, and it will be a shame to break that up. (Although if any of you are reading this, I hope that none of you are still there in a year's time!)

And so I say "So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye" to David Jones and to Sheridan. It was a pleasure. But please don't make me come back!


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