So, there are many ways I could do this, but rather than random selections of information, I shall attempt a chronology of events and sights.....hmm, jet lag makes me articulate apparently.
Ok, well, all I remember about Wednesday was being in airports....and a very amusing 5-point summary of the musical 'Cats'.
For those of you who don't know the storyline of 'Cats', I apologise, you won't get the full humour.
This was overheard by an aquaintance of Kate's whilst standing in a ticket queue. One woman was describing the show to her friend. Imagine all this being said by a typical Queens woman (you know, big hair, animal prints, big accent - kind of like Sylvia in 'The Nanny').

"So there's these cats, and they're throwing a party. And there's this real sick cat, and they put her in a giant tyre, and they blow her through the roof!"
"So dere's dese cats, and dey're trowin' a pawrty. An' dere's dis real sick cat, an' dey pu'dda in a giyant tyar, an' dey blow 'er troo da roof!"
Moving on! Thursday was a big day.....started off here: Ground Zero

It's kind of eerie to stand at the fence and look at this massive whole in the ground that when I was here last held two huge towers. In fact, the last time I was here I had my picture taken on top of one! Scary.
From there we walked around up by Wall St, did some shopping - man, Kate can spend money fast! - then kept walking up Broadway to Union Square to see the Flatiron Building:

At Union Square we switched onto the mighty Fifth Avenue and started the walk back to our hotel. I hadn't told Kate, but at that particular point, we were 62 blocks away. I know, I'm evil.....but walking is good exercise!
After chilling in the hotel for a little while (and having a mini fashion show of what we bought), we headed back to Broadway for our first of many shows this trip - 'Avenue Q' - advertised by many as Sesame Street for adults.
Well, they weren't wrong, but more accurately I would say that it's Sesame Street on crack and locked in a brothel!
Song titles were such as "It Sucks to be Me", "What Do You Do With a BA in English", "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist", and my personal favourite "The Internet is for Porn".
It sounds dodgy I know, but it was actually really good - although if I never see two naked puppets 'procreating' onstage, it will be too soon!
Although, there were two characters that I swear are in my life - the Bad Idea Bears:

They basically pop up and give the main characters, well, bad ideas. I swear, they are real and they haunt me!
On to Friday!
After almost breaking my thumb before we even left the hotel, we went on a tour of various Movie and TV locations across Manhattan (I know - was this tour made for Kate and I or what?!)
Let me list a few of the things we saw:
*The real Soup Nazi's soup kitchen
*Lois Lane's apartment from the first movie
*Chandler Bing's office building
*A whole bunch of places from 'Taxi Driver'
*The Chelsea Hotel (where Sid killed Nancy - also home to many celebrities in the 70s)
*The real Coyote Ugly bar - which is actually called Hogs & Heifers
*The Huxtable's Townhouse (from "the Cosby Show")(see photo)

*Monica Geller's Apartment Building
*The restaurant door on which Adam Sandler and kid pee in 'Big Daddy'
*The Ghostbuster's Station
*The Moondance Diner (where MJ works in 'Spiderman', and Monica in 'Friends')
*Grace Adler's design studio building
*The bar from 'Sleepers'
*Serpico's house
*Plus several celebrity homes (Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, James Gandolfini, Sarah Jessica Parker, Janet Jackson.....)
We also got to eat lots of goodies - Black and White cookies, lots of free lollipops for answering trivia questions, and Rocky Road flavour rice pudding at the Rice to Riches store!
After all that excitement we went back to hotel and slept until we had to go out to Braodway again to see 'Rent'. And I have to say, I was hyped up to see that in it's hometown, but I was sadly disappointed - in all truth the Sydney show was better! Oh well, it's still a Broadway show!
On Saturday morning, Kate realised that she had made a scheduling error, and that the one thing she HAD to see while we were in town was only on a 10am on Saturdays. So we raced, and I mean raced, to the Subway, and then ran 3 blocks to make it to 'Behind the Emerald Curtain' which is a behind the scenes tour for the musical 'Wicked'. I have to admit it was really good, but she owes me big for making me run across town on a brisk New York morning - and with no Ventolin!
We then went to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, where I confused about 5 waitstaff by ordering a Bud with my meal. I have never felt so young! I swear the girl who checked my ID thought it was a fake.
That reminds me.....I know Kate and I look alike, but in one day we had 4 strangers ask if we were twins, and 2 of them were just randoms on the street calling out to us - one of which told us it was really sexy! How can we be twins?!?! She is 4.5 years younger than me!!!!
Back to the Hard Rock to see some very cool artifacts - a Cheap Trick bass drum skin, guitars from Malcolm Young and Tony Iommi, and handwritten lyrics from Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison - I was in paradise!!!! Plus, a wall of Gibson guitars!

This morning (Sunday) we headed downtown to Christ Church NYC, which was awesome, because not only did we get to see Justin, Laurel and the kids, but we got to hear from John Mason. It seems to be a great little community, and we met some awesome people. Hopefully we'll be spending some more one-on-one time with the Moffatts on Tuesday though.
We saw 'Wicked' this afternoon with Mum and Dad (who arrived ladt night) and it definitely lived up to the hype - it was amazing!! Ana Gasteyer (of Saturday Night LIve fame) was playing the lead - which she only started this weekend - and she was unreal!! Quite a difference to her singing skits with Will Ferrell! Got an autographed photo which was pretty exciting...and also got a proper Emerald City monkey! (Although for those of you who understand, he doesn't have wings, but I'm sure I can make some!)
Now we're chilling out in the hotel again......

We have many more exciting things lined up for the next few days, and I will try to spread out the entries a little.....this one was a mammoth!!!!