Campbell's Soup

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Autumn in New York

So.....since my last entry my entire family has done some serious shopping! Monday is a no show day on Broadway, so instead of killing time till the show, we hit Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, the Gap, Bloomingdales, plus a few boutiques on the way! We all did pretty well too...I got a jacket that is warm enough for the Northern Hemisphere (always a good thing), we got some new luggage (I know, crazy right?), and I found the world's best bargain! Seriously, I challenge anyone to beat this one - I bought a pair of pants in Bloomingdales for $10.....marked down from $253!! That's like 95% off!!! I rule!

But moving away from my delusions of grandeur...

Today we again went shopping...this time to Macy's, the largest department store in the world. Which is no joke, it covers an entire city block, and is about 10 storeys high! After an hour or two I left my family though to race downtown for some time with the J-man! After my first Starbucks since we arrived (trust me, that's showing a lot of restraint when there's one on every corner!) we took the subway across to Katz's Deli - made famous by a certain 'orgasmic' scene from 'When Harry Met Sally'.

It's a complete dive, nothing to look at, but apparently has good food (and good prices), and the celebrities sure love it. The walls are plastered with photos of various actors, sportsmen, politicians and the like. The interesting thing though was the system at the door: as you walk in you are handed a ticket. This ticket is punched at various places depending on what you order, and then you take the tcket to the cashier on your way out. Great system, which I think should be instigated into some places in Sydney, it'd save a lot of time and bother waiting for the waitstaff to bring the check. The catch is however, if you lose your ticket, they charge you $50! That's a lot from a place where you can buy 1lb of sliced meat for $22....

Anyway...after that we walked over to Justin and Laurel's apartment, where I got to hang out with Laurel and the munchkins, which was an experience in itself....possibly the cutest duo on the island! A true sign of good parenting - when a child is asked what are the two things he must do in life and he responds "Love Jesus and take care of my sister"!
I tagged along to the playground, in an attempt to wear out the Boy for the evening.

Kids just don't look this cute in an Australian autumn/winter....

After leaving the Moffatts to head off to dinner/bath/bedtime, I headed back uptown to quickly change before going out to Broadway for yet another show....this time 'The Drowsy Chaperone'. Now, none of knew anything about this one, except that it had won a lot of Tony's, and that one of Kate's favourite actresses was in we were a bit dubious. But it was fantastic! It actually managed not to alienate any of the audience members, all whilst being highly stereotypical in regards to gender and race, and paid out musical theatre at the same time! Quite an achievement...but literally had everyone in hysterics. I had to tell Kate to restrain herself at one stage! (Those of you who have ever watched a funny movie or sitcom with her will be familiar with the exceedingly loud cackle that is propelled out of her at times...)

She has now gone out with one of her old RADA buddies, and I have the whole hotel room to myself - which isn't as exciting as it sounds....I have to do laundry in the bathtub.....

Only a day and a half left in NYC! And so much still to do! If anyone wants postcards tell me now (or make do with European ones!)


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