Campbell's Soup

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Start spreading the news......

....I'm leaving today....I'm going to be a part of it, New York New York!!

Well, technically I left yesterday, although because of the wonderful date line it's still today, which means that even though I arrived 24 hours after I left, it only took 6 hours to get here. (Yeah, try explaining that to my sister when she's tired and doped up on travel-sickness pills!)

We're having a blast so far. Granted, all we've done so far is go to D'Agostino's for groceries, but that was fun......I think.

No idea what nonsense we're going to get up to this week before we move on to London, but rest assured there will be much shopping, at least 3 Broadway shows, and possibly some sight-seeing if we can squeeze it in.

Have paid for a week's worth of internet, so expect more updates this week than the rest of this trip!

Anyway, I'm hungry, and there are powdered donuts and Tab calling my name!


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