Campbell's Soup

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Now I'm just getting lazy...

I really should be taking advantage of the fact that at the moment I have free internet access, but I just can't be bothered to blog!

So, let me try and remember what I've done in the past week. There will be no photos this time, because I can't find the cable for the camera...(no, Kate, I haven't lost it, it's just hidden in my suitcase somewhere)

I went back and forth to London a few times, didn't get up to much though - you know those days where you intend to shop, but when you actually get to the stores you don't have the energy to look at anything? - well, I've had a few of those.
Thursday night was the lighting of the Oxford Street Christmas lights, and I met up with Alex Dalziell and her crew of Knox boys (they are inescapable I tell you!). We went to back to my funky Turkish restaurant, and because they had no tables free inside, they offered us free shots to keep us warm if we sat outside! Great plan, but it did end up tasting like a cross between cough syrup, Ribena and vodka. We spent the evening reminiscing about Roseville (and Knox) and figuring out friends that I had in common with the boys. The funny part was that they had no idea who Belly was, but they all know AP....I swear, his reputation in spreading worldwide!
On Saturday I went into Leicester Square and got a cheap ticket to see the Blue Man Group, which was amazing! If they come to Sydney I am going to drag a whole bunch of you there, because it was easily one of the best shows I've seen on this trip. I also saw the new Richard Curtis film 'Sixty Six', which was good, but quite different from his other films...a bit too depressing at parts, but worth a go.

Let me see, what next, oh yes, on Sunday I met up with Emily, a school friend from over here, and we wandered around Kings Cross for a while.
Yesterday I went up to Cambridge to have lunch with Rani, which was awesome. She seems to be loving it up there (well, who wouldn't) and has even picked up a very slight pommie accent. We had the world's largest pub lunches, in what turned out to be that DNA was discovered in (well, I'm not sure that 'discovered' is the right word, but you get the idea). According to my sources it was all taken down on the back of a cigarette packet......

Today I went back into London to actually buy Kate's Christmas present (how organised am I). It was the first real rainy day I've had since being here, which is quite impressive really.

I'm sure something else exciting happened, but I'll need to go through the photos to remember.


At 1:04 pm, Blogger Katie said...

you bought my christmas present already? ...jeepers...pressure...


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